This week passed so quickly, I needed to stop for a few minutes today to determine where my time went. Granted, taking care of Bebe all day does not involve sitting around eating bonbons and watching soap operas, but where did my blog/craft time go? I think I've uncovered the time-eating culprits:

I spent a lot of time cutting fabric for new projects.

However, these cutting activities did not seem to reduce my fabric stash by any measurable quantity,

nor did it reduce my yarn stash at all.

I managed to finish two of the baby gifts I've been working on for so long. More on this later next week, once they've been sent out to their recipients.

We also spent time trying to fight off Bebe's nasty cold.

I worked on sketching a few design ideas for
the pillows,

and I caught up on a little reading.

On Thursday, Bebe and I sat for a three-month-old friend. The experience reinforced my tremendous respect for mothers of more than one child. And Bebe decided that she does not want to share her Mum with other babies. We all had a good time, but by Thursday night I was exhausted.

On Friday, after the sitter arrived for my once-a-week break, I went back to bed for some much-needed sleep.
Next week? Perhaps a little more sewing and knitting. And hopefully a healthy Bebe. It will be great to all be healthy at the same time over here.
It sounds like you've had quite a week! I can't wait to learn about the baby gifts you've made, as I am full nesting mode with baby projects on the brain.