Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bits and bobs

You haven't been hearing from me much lately, I'm afraid. But I've been thinking about you. With our last-minute travel, the nasty cold that's had me pinned in its claws for the past week and a half, and lots of other normal life business, I haven't had any time at the computer lately. I'm starting to catch up now and have lots to talk about. Here are a few things to get you started:

Look what this blogger has done with her Mrs. Beetons and a little Olympic spirit. This link and other photos of Mrs. Beetons can be found at Cast On.

This is a brilliant idea, beautifully executed. I may need to try making some like this before spring arrives. Green Kitchen looks like a great new blog.

And what's a blog post without a photo or two? Remember the saga of the missing little people? Well, here's what we found at Grandma's house while we were visiting:

Yes, we were in heaven. And after we returned home, we received a wonderful package from the baby's other grandparents (who, by the way, came to visit us this weekend. We had a lovely time together.) which included lots of little people to replace the one that ran away (The other one showed up again under the desk. I guess she missed us and decided to return.). So we've created a small temporary sculpture we've entitled "The 14th Street Crosstown Bus."

Now you know why we do so much walking in our neighborhood.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.. so glad you liked our latest small project "the same but different"... there will be plenty more additions to it over the next few days (if all goes to plan). Cheers, g (Love the little people... I used to enjoy playing with those!)

  2. Hi,
    Have you seen the work of Jonathan Fenske. He paints the Fisher Price little people and he's a good friend.

  3. Hi, while stat lurking I found that I'd gotten a couple of referrals from your site--thanks for the mention. Now I get to discover your site!
