Friday, January 05, 2007

Good will: breeding like bunnies?

The Kim family benefit auction is on! Many wonderful handmade items have been donated to the cause, so be sure to visit and bid on your favorites. Personally there are three things I especailly love, this target piece by Lisa Solomon being one of them. Go! And know that you're bidding for a worthy and memorable cause.

In the spirit of the auction, I will be (independently) offering this bunny and bowl combination for sale with all proceeds to be donated to the James Kim memorial fund. The auction will start on Monday, so as not to compete with the current items being offered, and will end Wednesday. I'll post a link to the listing on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. you are a good egg... the bunny/bowl is adorable...

    THANK you for featuring my piece... it's an honor!
